Mar 31, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Affairs Policies and Procedures

Student Affairs, Rhodes Student Center, PO Box 500
Rio Grande, OH 45674
740-245-7350 office

Mission Statement

The Office of Student Affairs provides the University community with programs and services in support of academic mission, that assist and empower students to achieve their highest educational potential. Student Affairs works closely with faculty, staff, students, and the community to create a stimulating and inclusive educational environment that is conducive to the holistic growth and  development of students. Student Affairs promotes excellence through collaborative services, which strive to be responsive, caring, and personal. This commitment to students initiates prior to entrance, sustains through matriculation, and continues beyond graduation.

Residential Living

On-campus living offers a wide range of experiences for all students. At Rio, you can become part of our residential communities and build lifelong connections with fellow students. First year housing includes Holzer Hall, for males, and Davis Hall, for females. Upperclassmen reside in Wellness Hall. Gender-inclusive housing is also available. Our residential communities are governed by undergraduate Resident Assistants, with each building supervised by a Head Resident Assistant. The Residence Life staff assist in the daily life of our students.

The Total Living plan includes both room and board. Our residence halls include standard amenities such as a furnished double occupancy room, high-speed internet access, free on-site laundry, and a communal lounge area perfect for gathering with friends. Room upgrades, such as single rooms, are also available for students who prefer private lodging. Our meal plans include up to 19 meals per week in our all-you-can-eat dining facility, “The Marketplace”.

The Director of Residence Life and Student Engagement is located in James A. Rhodes Student Center. Office Phone 740-245-7033. Email

Campus Government

The Student Senate is the primary student governing body. The president, vice-president, secretary, and senators are elected by the student body. The Senate makes recommendations regarding student needs on campus, and participates in campus government through service on committees.

Student Judiciary

The Student Judiciary is a formal hearing body elected by the students, consisting of one chief justice, four associate justices, and two alternate justices. The Judiciary hears appeals resulting from a disciplinary sanction imposed from a violation of the Community Code, as set forth in the Student Handbook.

Student Engagement

The University of Rio Grande offers a variety of opportunities for students to be involved in campus life. Numerous recreational, educational and cultural activities are offered throughout the academic year to accommodate the diverse interests of our students. The office supports over 20 recognized student organizations focused on personal and professional development, shared interests,  community service and religious affiliation. Each of our organizations compliment the mission of the University by promoting successful lives and responsible citizenship.

All-Greek Council

The All-Greek Council is a co-educational coordinating and governing body composed of representatives from each of the fraternities and sororities.

Health Services

The Office of Health Services is a free medical clinic available to all students. It is located in the James A. Rhodes Student Center, and is operated under the direction of a Registered Nurse. Health Services is open from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. each weekday for basic treatment of illnesses and injuries. Students requiring more extensive medical care are referred to physicians or specialists at area medical facilities. Students and their families are responsible for the cost of special or extensive medical care. Health Services requires that each student complete a confidential medical history form. Other requirements may include proof of updated immunizations and childhood diseases, as well as a current tuberculin skin test. Some majors, international students, and those participating in intercollegiate athletics, may be subject to additional medical requirements.


Personal health insurance for health or medical problems, non-sports related injuries, dental visits, and eye exams are the responsibility of the students.

Mental Health Services

A professional counselor is available on campus for students with personal or emotional issues such as family conflicts, relationship issues, stress management, self-defeating thoughts or behaviors, etc. Should any student require interpersonal counseling, he or she is encouraged to immediately contact Student Affairs, at campus extension 7350 to schedule an appointment with a licensed counselor from Hopewell Health Centers, a local community mental health agency. This is a free service available to all students. Confidentiality will be strictly maintained for individuals and groups seeking counseling assistance at all times.

Student Success Center and Student Success Coaches

The Student Success Center is a one-stop shop where students can seek guidance in their academic and personal lives. The dedicated professionals in this center go the extra mile to ensure every student at Rio feels a sense of belonging, and is supported and challenged to strive for their dreams and goals. Academic advising is an educational process that facilitates students’ understanding of the meaning and purpose of higher education. It fosters intellectual and personal development toward academic success and lifelong learning (NACADA, 2004). The center is rooted in Appreciative Advising, and seeks to foster collaborative relationships with students, faculty, and staff by helping students create sustainable plans for lifelong success.

Through this framework, we identify students’ personal and academic strengths to empower them to identify, optimize, and strive for success in all areas of their lives. The dedicated professionals in this center are known as student success coaches. Students are assigned to their Student Success Coach by their major, and should plan to meet at least once per semester. 

Testing Services

The Testing Center is located in the Bob Evans Farm Hall. It is a Pearson Vue Select site, but other exams are administered as well, including placement tests, ACT (American College Testing), CLEP (College Level Examination Test), Scantron, Kryterion, Prov, Parapro, NHA (National Health Association) distance learning, accommodation, and classroom make-up tests. If you have any questions regarding testing services, call 740-245-7004. Other test publications are available upon request.

Career Services

The Career Services Office exists for the following purposes:

  • To assist the individual; be it a student, graduate, or alumni, in identifying his/her career goals.
  • To increase and enhance the skills and marketability of each individual.
  • To facilitate and present each individual to desirable career opportunities.
  • To assist each individual in securing reliable employment.

The Office oversees the planning and coordination of a comprehensive range of services and activities beneficial to job-seekers and employers, while collaborating with other administrative and academic personnel toward the success of these programs.

Services and events include:

  • A comprehensive career development program beginning the student’s first term of enrollment
  • Personality and skills assessment toward major and career selections
  • Interview, resume, and etiquette enhancement
  • Management and expansion of job-placement networks
  • Assistance in seeking acceptance and admission to graduate school

The Career Services Office is located in Rhodes Center, Room 116.

Motor Vehicles

Students may operate and park a motor vehicle on parking lots provided the vehicle complies with insurance and license requirements in the registering state; the vehicle is registered through the University and displays the appropriate parking permit; and the owner and/or operator observe(s) all published University motor vehicle regulations provided by the Campus Police Department.

Campus Police

The University of Rio Grande Campus Police is organized under chapter 1713.50 of the Ohio Revised Code. Officer(s) are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days per week. Campus officers are certified by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Council, are armed, and have the same powers of arrest as a deputy sheriff. Campus Police jurisdiction includes all University grounds and buildings including all streets, roads, and highways that border campus property. Other local law enforcement agencies that also have full or partial law enforcement jurisdiction on the University of Rio Grande campus include the Rio Grande Village Police, Gallia County Sheriff’s Office, and the Ohio State Highway Patrol.

The University of Rio Grande Campus Police is compliant in the federal right to know requirements contained in the Campus Security Act of 1990 and the Jeanne Clery Act of 1998. For additional information about Campus Police, visit the University’s main web site at and click on the Campus Police tab.

It remains the goal of the Campus Police Department to provide a safe and secure environment that fosters the student learning process, while enhancing the quality of life for all who attend the University of Rio Grande.

For all on-campus emergencies including fire, emergency medical, and police, dial 911. To contact campus police for non-emergencies, call 740-245-7286.


The University and Community College provide every student access to computers, the campus network and the Internet throughout campus, via both wired and wireless connections. RioNET user accounts are created immediately upon admission and enrollment into courses. Use of campus technology is governed by an institutional Acceptable Use Policy. RioNET user accounts require activation by changing default passwords into private secure passwords. Passwords may be changed from any RioNET connected computer or online. RioNET user accounts provide access to student e-mail and several instructional technology services. Specific information on RioNET services are provided at New Student Orientation, Gateway to Success Course training sessions, and through online documentation.

Printed information is distributed to campus offices including the Jenkins Center, Campus Police, and the Campus Computing & Networking Office located in Moulton Hall.


StudentSpace is the student portal used to register for classes, view grades, obtain your bill, and accept financial aid. StudentSpace can be found online at or by going to, clicking on “myrio” on the red toolbar, and clicking the StudentSpace button. You can log into StudentSpace using your Student ID. Your password, if not previously changed, will be the last 4 digits of your social security number. Each semester, professors post grades in StudentSpace, enabling students immediate online access to their records.


Veterans/Reservists enrolling at University of Rio Grande / Rio Grande Community College and planning to apply for Veterans Administration educational benefits must submit a copy of his/her DD214 Form, Certificate of Release or Discharge from active duty, or DD2384, Certificate of Eligibility, as well as any kicker contracts, to the Veterans School Certifying Official located in Florence Evans Hall. All veterans/reservists are required to complete the necessary Veterans administration forms in order to obtain educational benefits, and must complete an Intent of Enrollment at the beginning of each semester. Veterans must be enrolled in a degree program in order to receive benefits. Students who have a parent or spouse who is 100% disabled, deceased, or a P.O.W. from a service-connected incident may also be eligible for educational benefits.

To check eligibility and obtain related information, students may contact the Veterans Affairs Regional Office by calling the toll-free number (1-888-442-4551) or search the GI Bill web site.

Veterans Education Benefits: Tuition Assistance Policy

Tuition Assistance and Approved Programs

The Tuition Assistance (TA) program provides financial assistance for voluntary off-duty education programs in support of a soldier’s professional and personal self-development goals. TA is available for courses that are offered in the classroom or through distance learning, and is part of an approved academic degree or certificate program. TA may not be used for a lower or lateral certificate program or degree from the one the soldier currently possesses. In addition to degrees, TA is available to soldiers to complete a high school diploma and certificate programs. TA is not authorized for programs of study beyond a master’s degree.

The Montgomery GI Bill - Active Duty and Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits can only be paid toward courses when both the school and program are approved for VA benefits. One can determine if a school and program are approved by:

  • Visiting the GI Bill Comparison Tool
  • Visiting the Public Web Enabled Approval Management System
  • Contacting your school’s School Certifying Official
    • Chad Curley, Director of Financial Aid and VA School Certifying Official
    • 740-245-7278 or

The University of Rio Grande/Rio Grande Community College (Rio Grande) is committed to providing quality service and guidance to the Servicemembers/Soldiers of the U.S. Armed Forces. When a servicemember/soldier applies to Rio Grande or expresses interest in attending the institution, they are directed to speak with the Veterans Administration (VA) School Certifying Official (SCO) prior to enrollment.

Through discussion with the servicemember/soldier and, as appropriate, a review of the servicemember’s/soldier’s documentation, the SCO will determine whether the servicemember/soldier is a veteran or an active duty member. Prior to enrollment, the SCO will direct the servicemember/soldier to receive approval to participate in the TA program from their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within the Military Service Branch.

The SCO receives initial training and is required to maintain ongoing annual training through the VA to ensure they provide Servicemember/Soldier with the accurate and up to date information regarding educational benefits.

How does Department of Defense Tuition Assistance work with the post 9/11 GI bill benefit?

If both the institution and program are approved, the servicemember/soldier should contact the institution’s SCO, notify them you are receiving TA, and have them certify your enrollment. The SCO will reduce the tuition and fees they report to the VA by the amount received from the military service TA program. The VA will then issue any remaining tuition, fees, and book stipends due. These payments will follow normal Post 9/11 GI Bill rules and entitlement. For more information on how entitlements are charged, please visit

Tuition Assistance Rates/Fees

The Department of Defense (DoD) has directed a uniform per semester hour cap of $250 for TA, and an annual ceiling of $4,500. The services are authorized to establish service-specific eligibility criteria to manage TA funds. To apply for Tuition Assistance benefits, servicemembers will need to contact and apply through their branch of service. 


Alpha Chi Nu (Archon) fosters and maintains a fraternal spirit among its members, encourages scholastic achievement, and inculcates those principles of truth, justice, chivalry and culture which contribute to the development of upstanding character. Membership is invitation-only, and is open to all male students of the University of Rio Grande.

Alpha Mu Beta exists to create a meaningful and long-lasting union among its members, stimulate all forms of scholastic achievement, and cultivate an appreciation of the higher social and moral values in life. Membership is invitation-only and is open to all female members of the University of Rio Grande.

American Marketing Association exists to foster scientific study and research in the field of marketing. Membership is open to students of any major who are interested in marketing.

Bass Fishing Club encourages camaraderie, sportsmanship, integrity, conservation, and development of the skills and knowledge required to be successful anglers, by competing with other schools in Cabela’s Collegiate Bass Fishing, Fishing League Worldwide and Bass Anglers Sportsman Society fishing tournaments and additional contests on a local and regional basis. Membership is open to any student in good standing with the University of Rio Grande.

Delta Theta exists to develop and maintain sisterhood among the women of the University of Rio Grande, to promote scholarship, and to serve the campus and community of the University of Rio Grande. Membership is invitation-only and is open to female students of the University of Rio Grande.

The Gaming Organization’s mission is to promote the expansion of the gaming community as well as networking between gamers. Game genres include, but are not limited to: console games, PC games, board games, card games, role-play games, and miniatures. Membership is open to all students of the University of Rio Grande.

Lambda Nu is a national honor society dedicated to the radiologic and imaging sciences. The purpose of the Ohio Zeta Chapter is to foster academic scholarship, promote research and investigation in the radiologic and imaging sciences, and recognize exemplary scholarship. Membership is limited to qualifying students.

LGBTQIA Club advocates for issues of importance to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Pansexual, Gender Fluid, Queer and Asexual community, as well as other gender/sexuality minorities. Additionally, we welcome those who are questioning their sexuality or gender, or simply want to support the LGBT community (Allies). We offer a fun and friendly community for LGBT fellowship, educational resources, Safe Zone Training, fundraising for charity, event hosting, and the support of LGBT visibility throughout Southern Ohio.

Medical Math & Science Club is a social group on campus that does not require any scholastic proficiency for membership. The club exists to aid members with developing mathematical skills, to aid members interested in medical school, veterinary school and other professional schools, and to provide a friendly forum for those with interests in math and science.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society recognizes the academic achievement of college students, providing opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders. Membership is invitation-only and is limited to students who have completed at least 12 semester hours with a GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Psychology Club encourages, promotes and builds a greater understanding of the field of psychology throughout the student body, University and community. Psychology Club frequently hosts meetings, student activities, and community service work throughout the academic year. Membership is open to any student with an interest in psychology.

Rio Grande Veterans Organization exists to serve as an advocate and comprehensive support apparatus for student Veterans and their families by providing information, networking opportunities, and guidance to aid in intellectual and professional success.

Social Work Student Council provides a stimulant to scholastic achievement, helping students to become actively involved in voluntary social work, serve as a voice to the wants and needs of social work majors, and promotes fellowship among social work students.

Student Senate works to assure that proper representation is given to all students at Rio Grande. Consisting of representatives from each academic area, Senate meets regularly during the academic year to address issues facing campus. All meetings are open to current students.

University of Rio Grande Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society is a professional organization of wildlife professionals and students who are interested in conservation. Our organization’s mission is to inspire, empower, and enable wildlife professionals to sustain wildlife populations and habitats through science-based management and conservation. The Wildlife Society enhances our members’ networking and learning opportunities, professional and career development, and provides numerous ways for them to get more involved in creating a better future for wildlife and their habitats.

Zeta Theta Chi stands for sisterhood, individuality, and celebrating the unique qualities of each member. They are each their own but they also stand as one. Members love to have fun while strengthening their bonds of sisterhood together. They help better the community through community services, campus events, and being available wherever they’re needed. Membership is invitation-only and is open to all female members of the University of Rio Grande.

Other Activities:


Men’s intercollegiate competition is available in basketball, baseball, cross-country, track, soccer, wrestling, golf, rugby, volleyball and bowling. Women’s intercollegiate competition is available in basketball, cross-country, soccer, softball, track, volleyball, golf, rugby and bowling. Rio Grande also sponsors the following coeducational sports: cheerleading and eSports. Member: National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (men and women), River States Conference (men and women), and Mid-South Conference (wrestling and men’s volleyball).


Intramural programs, such as touch football, basketball, volleyball, sand volleyball, softball, racquetball, paintball, and a variety of board and Internet competitions, are organized for student participation. Flexibility is incorporated into the program, permitting participation of students with interests extending beyond the normal range of athletic offerings.

In addition, various faiths are encouraged to form religious groups on campus, and to sponsor religious activities for their members.