Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Rights, Responsibilities and the University

Hearing System - Statement of Principle

The authority and the responsibility for the discipline of all students are held by the President. This authority has been delegated for non-academic violations to the Dean of Students, the Residence Hall Judiciary Board, the Student Judiciary Board, and the University Hearing Board. The right to impose, review, or alter any disciplinary action taken against any student is reserved to the President. The Dean of Students has the right to impose, review, or alter any disciplinary action taken against a student by the Student Judiciary Board. The handling of all disciplinary actions for violation of non-academic codes, rules, and/or regulations will be addressed by any means determined in the discretion of the Dean of Students to be appropriate for the circumstances. These means may include, but are not limited to

  • Counseling
  • Informal hearing process
  • Formal hearing procedure
  • Imposition of sanctions

Whether on University or Community College owned property or off-campus, all students are to refrain from engaging in any conduct that is detrimental to the University and Community College’s educational mission. All students are required to adhere to University and Community College codes, rules, and regulations, as well as local, state, and federal laws. All students are expected to carry a student identification card at all times. Failure to do so may subject the student to further disciplinary actions. A student’s enrollment is a purely voluntary act, which obligates the student to uphold the University and Community College’s educational mission: to abide by the codes, rules, and regulations of the institution. At the University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College, it is believed that students should represent the highest of moral and ethical behavior. Therefore, the codes, rules, and regulations of the University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College impose a much stricter standard of behavior than that, which is imposed on all citizens by the operation of civil or criminal law.

The University and Community College may impose disciplinary measures that are separate and distinct from any actions that may be pending in a court of law. The University and Community College also reserve the right to file charges against a student with a duly constituted, local, state, or federal court or agency, where there exists cause to believe that the student has committed a violation of local, state, or federal law

Rio Grande Community Code

The University and Community College Code is an integral part of the environment supportive of the institution’s primary teaching-learning mission. Every member of the University and the Community College’s educational community is responsible for his/her individual actions in compliance with published University and Community College codes, rules and regulations.

Any student, who is engaged in conduct which is detrimental to the University and Community College’s educational mission, or who voluntarily or knowingly remains in the presence of someone, who is engaged in conduct which is detrimental to the University or Community College’s mission, is subject to disciplinary action. The following conduct has been established as detrimental to the University and Community College’s educational mission and is illustrative of conduct that will subject a student to disciplinary action.

  1. All forms of dishonesty including false testimony, cheating, gambling, plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information in an official proceeding, forgery, alteration or use of official documents or instruments of identification with intent to defraud, or failure to give truthful testimony at a duly constituted hearing or during an investigation.
  2. Stalking, physical or verbal abuse, including disorderly, loud, indecent, obscene conduct or expression toward fellow students or any and all members of the University or Community College staff.
  3. Hazing, all forms of harassment or discrimination (sex-based, as described in Policy Against Sex-Based Discrimination, and race-based), or any type of verbal abuse of a member of the University or Community College community.
  4. Damage, vandalism, or theft of University or Community College property, or damage to, or theft of property from a member of the University community.
  5. Any possession or use of explosives, firearms, fireworks, or a weapon in University or Community College facilities, on University or Community College property, or in private vehicles is strictly prohibited by the campus community. Pursuant to the Concealed Weapons Law, Ohio Revised Code, Section 2923.126(B) (5), University policy prevails. NOTE: Pellet, BB guns, and Paint guns are considered weapons as addressed in this section. Individuals are encouraged to contact the Campus Police Department for further clarification or storage of weapons and ammunition while on campus.
  6. Distribution, possession, sale, or use of any drug or controlled substance as defined by sections 2925.01 and 3719.01 of the Ohio Revised Code, except in accordance with a valid pharmaceutical prescription; or violation of the University’s “Alcoholic Beverages Policy,” if the violation of the Alcoholic Beverages Policy occurs at a University or Community College function, in a University or Community College facility or on University or Community College property. Intentional misuse or abuse of any chemical that alters the mental, physical, or emotional state of an individual (i.e. inhalants, vapors).
  7. Any violation of a criminal code, statute, or ordinance, under local, state, or federal law, whether the violation occurs on or off campus, could result in University or Community College review.
  8. Any conduct, which can be construed as an attempt to influence, or retaliate against anyone involved in an official Rio Grande hearing or investigation. This includes any type of attempt to influence or intimidate witnesses or hearing officials.
  9. Tampering with Fire and Life Safety equipment in University or Community College facilities or on University or Community College property. Failure to respond to an alarm. NOTE: Propping open locked doors in any University or Community College building is an example.
  10. Intentional neglect in responding to the authority of Campus Police, Student Life Coordinator, Resident Assistant, or other official.
  11. Intentional or willful disrespect of University or Community College faculty, staff, or failure to comply with directions of institutional officials, including hearing boards, acting in the performance of their assigned responsibilities.
  12. Violations of published institutional regulations concerning motor vehicles, residence halls, Davis Library, Lyne Center, administrative, or academic facilities, or the unauthorized entry or presence in University or Community College facilities, or on University or Community College property.
  13. Forcible disruption or obstruction of regular University or Community College activities including administration, classes, campus services, organized events; interference with free speech and movement of academic community members; refusal to provide an identification card when requested or to obey any other legitimate instruction from a University or Community College official, faculty member, or Campus Police. The instructor has the primary responsibility for control over classroom behavior and maintenance of academic integrity and can order the temporary removal or exclusion from the classroom of any student engaged in disruptive conduct or conduct that violates the general rules and regulations of the institution. (This exclusion can be for one class period only). Extended or permanent exclusion from the classroom or further disciplinary action can be affected only through appropriate procedures established by the Division of Student Affairs.
  14. Any violation of the University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College Campus Technology Resources Policy.
  15. Any speech whether implied or direct, that endangers the personal mental or physical health of any person and abusive speech towards any member of the University or Community College Community is prohibited.
  16. Any other conduct that may reasonably be considered detrimental to the Rio Grande educational mission.

NOTE: Any violations involving the type of misconduct set forth in the University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College Community Code MAY RESULT IN EXPULSION, SUSPENSION, OR ANY OTHER SANCTION whether said misconduct occurs on-campus or off-campus except as noted.

Resident Student Rights

  1. Teaching and learning is the primary activity at the University of Rio Grande. Therefore, students have the right to study in their room at any time to the extent studying does not cause unreasonable interference to others.
  2. Students have the right to expect the residence hall staff to be responsive to needs to assist with any problems encountered while a resident.
  3. Students have the right to appeal a decision concerning the administration of student problems to appropriate University hearing body, if the Dean of Students cannot satisfactorily resolve it.
  4. Overall, students have the right to treat residence hall rooms as their home.

Limits to this right are:

  1. common courtesy for and consideration of other residents who may be affected by student actions and the manner in which they live, and
  2. student actions and living manner must not violate the rules and regulations of the University.

Resident Student Responsibilities

  1. Students have the responsibility to respect other lifestyles and cultures to the extent the conduct of others does not conflict with the Community and Residence Life Codes.
  2. Students have the responsibility to follow all rules and regulations of the University.
  3. Students have the responsibility to bring any problems or code violations encountered to the attention of a Resident Assistant and/or Student Life Coordinator